Public Health

Line art of a government building

Committed to Communities

Prevention, protection, education. Public health plays an important role in keeping communities well – and our role is strengthening health departments to make them even more effective and efficient.

Ascendient has been a partner with the Baltimore County Department of Health for over 10 years. They have been instrumental in helping us complete our Community Health Needs Assessments and assisting us in prioritizing our identified needs. This is critical for our continued PHAB accreditation.

Della J Leister

Interim Health Officer, Baltimore County DHHS

Higher Thinking for Public Health

Public Health in the Spotlight

As state and local budgets shrink, many public health agencies are feeling the financial squeeze, even as they face greater competition from hospitals expanding into the community health arena. To survive and thrive, public health organizations will need to go beyond the regulatory requirements of CHA and CHIP reporting. From formalized strategic planning to full-scale PHAB accreditation, we offer consulting services that help keep local and state agencies at the forefront of health equity and population health.

Because we work across the healthcare continuum, Ascendient is well positioned to help public health agencies build the kind of collaborative relationships that lead to better outcomes and more efficient operations. Hospitals, social service providers, religious organizations, FQHCs – every community offers a treasure trove of potential partnerships that can extend the reach and effectiveness of public health.

Those partnerships will become even more important as the focus of healthcare shifts to population health and health equity. Progressive, strategic public health agencies are positioned for a leading role in that transformation. Will you be ready?