Firm News

Celebrating Another Year of Impact

December 19, 2023

With our team members scattered from Texas to Maryland, Ascendient enjoys marking the holidays with an in-person gathering designed for reflection, appreciation, and giving back.

This year’s gathering started at our new offices in Chapel Hill, where we focused on the firm’s mission, vision, and values – plus plans for 2024 and beyond. Next, after a catered lunch, we split up for an afternoon of volunteering. The Strategy team assembled meal kits for TABLE, a group that delivers healthy food each week to 850 families in Orange County, while the Regulatory team worked with A Lotta Love to clean and decorate transitional housing for two families experiencing homelessness.

Evenings were all about art (?), food, and celebration. Here’s our 2023 holiday video, including the card that we sent to clients – the ones who make it all possible.