Firm News

Introducing the New Healthcare Research e-Brief from Ascendient

September 12, 2023

Healthcare research is like drinking from the proverbial firehose. Ours is a data-driven industry, and that means torrents of new information coming at you every day. You may try to keep up, but you’re likely to get blown away.

Enter the Ascendient Research Team – or ART, to use our internal parlance. Because we do so much research on behalf of clients, we formalized ART a while back to break down information silos and share our learnings across the organization. We meet weekly to swap intelligence, answer questions, think about implications, and ask new questions.

Quite often, it’s my favorite meeting of the week.

Several months ago, it occurred to us that the ART is a resource worth sharing. We have all these smart people digging up the latest healthcare research week after week – why keep it to ourselves? We started asking team members to note the single most surprising, interesting, or urgent research that they run across in nine broad areas:

  • Delivery innovation
  • Payers & payments
  • Regulation
  • Consumerism
  • Health equity
  • CON
  • Finance
  • Workforce
  • Rural
  • Health trends

Next, we held a newspaper-style “pitch meeting” where team members tried to convince each other that they had one of the Top 5 healthcare research items of the month. We pressed them on questions like: Why does it matter? Why should readers care? What’s the impact? If they could win us over with their analysis, we asked them to write it up in a short, punchy blurb.

Rather than another addition to our online Higher Thinking page, we're delivering all of this in a free, monthly e-brief for Ascendient clients and friends. We're calling it Research Roundup, and it’s the kind of thing you can read in less than five minutes … then think about for the next five days.

Our first issue went out today, so be sure to watch your inbox. If you’re not yet on our mailing list and you’d like to stay abreast of the latest healthcare research and healthcare trends, please complete the brief signup form on our Resources page.